Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Quotes from 2019 Democrat Second Debate in Detroit

Tonight as I watched the second Democrat debate from Detroit in 2019, I tried to capture specific quotes from the candidates that caught my ear, and organized them by candidate. I've tried to remove my personal opinions, and simply quote the candidates:

Bill DeBlasio
As Mayor of New York...
I consider that a victory
We believe in redemption in this party
What they see when they turn on the TV or go online is just talk of impeachment
The best impeachment is beating him in 2020
Donald Trump pit people against each .... blah blah blah... we are going to tax the hell out of the wealthy... it is socialism or the rich... that puts working people first

Michael Bennet
Don't try to distract from the truth, you can't hide the truth
universal healthcare in two years
We have made income inequality worse not better through the policies of the federal government
Donald Trump should be the last climate denier in office
Donald Trump, who doesn't believe in the rule of law, who doesn't believe in the judiciary, who doesn't believe climate change is real
We need to put the divisive politics of Donald Trump behind us, and the divisive politics of the last ten years behind us. We need to come together, united against a broken Washington, make Donald Trump a one term president, and begin to govern this country again for our kids and our grandkids who cannot do it for themselves, we have do it for them

Jay Inslee
We can't allow a white nationalist to be in the white house
We have to get rid of the filibuster
For decades we have kicked the can down the road on climate change and now under Donald Trump we face a looming catastrophe
Literally the survival of humanity on this planet, and civilization as we know it, is in the hands of the next president

Kirsten Gillibrand
Nothing is impossible
I am a woman of white privilege
Why not have a clean energy race with China
I am running for President to help people

Tulsi Gabbard
Donald Trump is not behaving like a patriot
Our President is supporting al qaeda
Incoming missile: seek immediate shelter
There is no shelter, it's all a lie

Julian Castro
Make America better than it has ever been, let's do that together
Open borders is a right wing talking point
One of us has learned the lessons of the past, and one of hasn't
You are likely to see a prosecution of Donald Trump
Moscow Mitch would let him off the hook (regarding a Trump impeachment)
Adios to Donald Trump

Andrew Yang
Do the opposite of much of what we are doing right now, and the opposite of Donald Trump is an Asian man who likes math
Get healthcare out of entrepreneurs trying to start businesses and watch the economy bloom
The most common jobs in America might not exist in a decade

Corey Booker
We need to unite
I'm grateful that he endorsed my presidency
You are dipping into the Kool-aid and you don't even know the flavor
We should start impeachment proceedings immediately
Politics of this be damned
The dream of this country is under threat right now
We have a real crisee, crises, in this country, the crisis is Donald Trump, but not only Donald Trump.
That we put more into indivisible into this one nation under God

Kamala Harris
Who are we? Better than this.
Separate employers and healthcare
You can't keep with the Republican talking points
Let's be clear about this...
As AG I did...
We have a predator living in the White House

Joe Biden
To restore the soul of this country.
To be very blunt and straight-forward, you can't beat Donald Trump with this plan. -> Kamala
Illegal immigration is a crime
I have guts enough to say his plan doesn't make sense
It took resul... resilience...
The bills that the President, the Future President, uh the Senator...
The fact fact... fact was... the matter of the fact is... the fact of the matter is... would in fact...
Barack Obama...
I would not rejoin the TTP...
I love your affection for me, you spent a lot of time with me (creepy grin at DeBlasio)
I don't know what's happened, but you (Kirsten) are not running for President (staring her down, crowd howling)
We are in a battle for the soul of America
Eight more years of Donald Trump...
We choose science over fiction, we choose hope over fear, we choose unity over division, and we choose, we choose the idea as Americans, that when we act together we can do anything, this is the United States of America

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Redemption of the Trump Voter

We were called deplorable and irredeemable, but we the people, the true patriots of this country voted for Donald J. Trump, and we won! We voted for law and order, and the end of corruption. The others of this country lost, and we would be very glad if you keep your promise to leave!

Electoral College

We understand that the objective of the election was to obtain the most Electoral votes, not popular votes, or it would have been a whole different kind of race. We believe that the founders had great wisdom in creating a system that would ensure that the populations of all the states would be represented. 

Not The Populated States of America

We believe that the people who don't live in New York, California, or Texas should have an important voice too. This is The United States of America, not The Populated States of America.


We forgave Donald Trump for his blunt and sometimes shocking words, especially if they were made more than a decade ago. We are so sick and tired of political correctness. We believe in forgiveness, redemption, and the sanctity of life, so we were with Trump.


We resent it deeply when we are called deplorable by Hillary, but the Democrats just thought it was so funny how awful we were. Yet the Democrats are the party that supports murdering about five hundred thousand babies a year, as birth control, because it is a woman's right. We think giving zero consideration to the completely unprotected lives of the unborn is deplorable.


We know that Hillary Clinton is a corrupt criminal who only used her secret email server to hide her pay-to-play scam with her foundation while she was Secretary of State. We believe she should be convicted and put in prison, and that does not make us sexist.


We believe that illegal immigrants that commit felonies should be deported and not allowed in our country, and that does not make us racist.


We love our country and believe we should protect its borders from illegal immigrants, and smugglers, and don't think that means we are xenophobic. 


We understand the difference between Islam, and Radical Islam. We believe we should consider America first, before the needs of other countries. Not wanting to have terrorism in our country, we understand that importing thousands of refugees who come from areas where Radical Islam is practiced would be dangerous for our country and that is not Islamophobic. 

We believe that any religion which would override the laws of our country like Sharia Law should not be allowed to enforce those laws, and that is not Islamophobic.


We believe that children who have not reached adulthood should not be forced to make a gender decision. We believe that until they have matured then they should not be forcing their gender decision on our kids by demanding to use bathroom and shower facilities opposite of the sex to which they were born, and that is not homophobic.

Whatever Else

We were the ones who voted for our country, not ourselves or our entitlements. We are the makers, not the takers. We want to make this country great again, instead of trying to exploit what divides us with identity politics. You need to stop looking for whatever else divides us, as you only do by calling us "thisist" and "thatic".

Booker T. Washington wrote over 100 years ago, and the Democratic party is still doing it:

“There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs – partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Democratic Movement

The Democratic Movement

The Democrats had a movement, and his name was Bernie Sanders. The people were really moved by his socialist ideas, but the elite of the Democrats felt that it was Hillary's turn to be President.

Before any primaries were held, the majority of the elite super delegates were supporting Hillary. The first chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, was outed by WikiLeaks as being in collusion with Hillary's campaign. The consequences of which was Hillary's campaign hired her, and the democrats re-elected her in her state. 

The second chairwoman, Donna Brazile, was also outed by WikiLeaks as having provided the Hillary campaign questions in advance of at least two debates, and she still heads the DNC!

By the DNC scheduling few debates at undesirable times, giving Hillary the advantage with advance questions in the debates, colluding with all the Main Stream Media, and apparently gaining leverage over Bernie to not allow him to criticize her, the DNC rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders.

The Democratic movement was squashed by the elite of the Democrat party and Hillary, but most of the democrats, but not enough still stayed with her...